Case Studies Detailed information about the studies and research at SB Drug Discovery AllCell Line GenerationGPCR StudiesIon Channel StudiesGABA ReceptorsTRP ChannelsTMEM175Potassium ChannelsChloride ChannelsNMDA ReceptorsMitochondrial FunctionHigh-Throughput Electrophysiology Solutions for TRPML Drug DiscoveryIon Channel Studies, TRP ChannelsRead MoreCLC-K ElectrophysiologyChloride Channels, Ion Channel StudiesRead MoreInvestigating Mitochondrial FunctionMitochondrial FunctionRead MoreAutomated electrophysiology screening of gain- and loss-of-function variants in the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor GRIN gene familyIon Channel Studies, NMDA ReceptorsRead MoreUtilizing Solid Supported Membrane Electrophysiology (SSME) to Accelerate Discovery of TRPML1 ModulatorsIon Channel Studies, TRP ChannelsRead MoreElectrophysiology characterisation of human CLC-1 and CLC-2 ion channelsChloride Channels, Ion Channel StudiesRead MoreSubtype selective GABAA modulationGABA Receptors, Ion Channel StudiesRead MoreTRPML1 ElectrophysiologyIon Channel Studies, TRP ChannelsRead MoreA Multi-Platform Approach to TMEM175 Drug DiscoveryIon Channel Studies, TMEM175Read MoreFunctional and Pharmacological Effects of Beta Subunit Expression on BK ChannelsIon Channel Studies, Potassium ChannelsRead MoreeBook: Custom cell-based tools for drug discoveryCell Line GenerationRead MoreCustom tools for GIP receptor drug discoveryGPCR StudiesRead MoreComparison of hallucinogenic versus non-hallucinogenic psychedelics on 5HT2A receptorsGPCR StudiesRead MoreDevelopment of a multimodal assay system for GDF15/GFRAL drug discoveryCell Line GenerationRead MoreOptimizing GPCR assays with chimeric G proteinsGPCR StudiesRead More
High-Throughput Electrophysiology Solutions for TRPML Drug DiscoveryIon Channel Studies, TRP ChannelsRead More
Automated electrophysiology screening of gain- and loss-of-function variants in the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor GRIN gene familyIon Channel Studies, NMDA ReceptorsRead More
Utilizing Solid Supported Membrane Electrophysiology (SSME) to Accelerate Discovery of TRPML1 ModulatorsIon Channel Studies, TRP ChannelsRead More
Electrophysiology characterisation of human CLC-1 and CLC-2 ion channelsChloride Channels, Ion Channel StudiesRead More
Functional and Pharmacological Effects of Beta Subunit Expression on BK ChannelsIon Channel Studies, Potassium ChannelsRead More
Comparison of hallucinogenic versus non-hallucinogenic psychedelics on 5HT2A receptorsGPCR StudiesRead More